Monday, September 19, 2011

I Finally Succumbed to the Trend...I'm Blogging!

Well, I've been dubbed the "Facebook Queen" and "Twitter Addict" by my close family and friends because I seem to always keep my accounts up-to-date with my happenings. As informed as my family and friends are about me through social networks, many suggested that I blog. (I guess some of them get tired of my updates blowing up their phones. Just kidding...). Anyhow, I've decided to try this blogging thing. I have a lot to say and what better forum than the world wide web; that should be music to my husband's ears! I've got a lot going on right now like moving into a new house and returing to work from a ten-week maternity leave so I'll be back soon with something VALuable to say. Until that time, here's a challenge for you: forgive someone who has wronged you in some way. Don't let the anger or frustration of their words or actions continue to keep you in bondage. Let it go! God bless!

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